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Ear Surgery in San Francisco: What You Need to Know

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. The surgery has helped thousands of men, women, and children in San Francisco who were embarrassed or dissatisfied with the size or shape of their ears. With ear surgery, patients can finally enjoy a natural shape to their ears, as well as new balance and proportion to their face.

What Can Ear Reshaping Surgery in San Francisco Do For You?

Otoplasty or ear surgery can create an aesthetically pleasing shape to the ear while bringing proportion to the ears and the face. It can correct both major and minor deformities and treat conditions like macrotia which causes extremely large ears to develop.

Who is a Good Candidate for Otoplasty in San Francisco?

Surgical ear shape improvement is available to children, teenagers and adults and requires all three age groups to be healthy and not have any life-threatening illnesses or chronic ear infections that have gone untreated. Children who are good candidates are usually 5 years old or older or at least have ear cartilage that is strong enough to undergo surgery. Teenagers and adults who are good candidates must be non-smokers and have specific goals in mind for their surgery.

What is the Ear Surgery San Francisco Procedure Like?

Before the surgery begins you will be given anesthesia to put you to sleep and then once you are under the procedure will begin. Incisions for otoplasty are mostly made on the back of the ear. If they are made on the front of the ear they are made within the ears folds to hide the incision marks. Non-removable sutures are placed inside the ear and used to keep the newly shaped cartilage in place while it heals. The incisions made are closed up with stitches and depending on what part of the ear is being operated on certain techniques are used to make sure to avoid an unnatural appearance.

In cases of protruding ears the results of ear surgery are visible almost immediately after surgery. There will be bruising and swelling but it will quickly go down revealing your new, proportional ear. After surgery, bandages will be applied to keep your ear clean, protect it from trauma and support the new position of the ear during the initial healing phase. Any special instructions or directions you need, will be given to you by your doctor along with medications you will need to help your body heal and lower the chance of you getting an infection.

What Does Recovery Entail After Ear Surgery?

When the ear surgery is completed, a dressing will cover the ear. You will experience swelling, bruising, and numbness, all of which should subside within a week or two. In the case of protruding ears, patients should see near-immediate results. It will take at least six weeks for all the healing to be done so you can see the full effects. The majority of ear surgery patients go back to work or school within seven to 10 days.

An important component to your recovery will be how well you follow the surgeon’s instructions. Dr. Echavez and his staff will give you detailed directions on what you should and should not do while healing. Your progress after ear surgery will be closely monitored through a series of follow-up appointments, and you can contact us with any concerns.

Can I See Ear Surgery Before and After Photos?

You can view Dr. Echavez’s gallery of ear surgery before and after pictures during your initial session. He has performed the surgery on patients throughout the San Francisco and Silicone Valley region. With ear surgery before and after photos, you can see what kind of results other people have attained from the procedure.

What Are Ear Surgery Costs?

Because otoplasty is a very personalized procedure, the best way to gauge ear surgery prices is to set up an appointment with Dr. Echavez. He and his staff will assess your case and then detail how much ear surgery would cost you. You can count on us to make sure you are as well-informed as possible

Request Your Consultation for Cosmetic Ear Surgery in San Francisco

Once you’ve have found the treatment that you would like to receive or need to have a more specific advice, we welcome you to visit us to discuss your cosmetic goals. Ready to get started right now? You can receive a consultation from Dr. Echavez by submitting the form below.